Welcome beautiful soul. How's your heart today?
I'm Gaby, a lifelong traveler, multi passionate impact entrepreneur, eco hotelier, dog mom to my beloved rescue chihuahua called Sushi, health and trauma coach, photographer, food travel blogger, a non profit founder, a nomad at heart, a seeker, a dreamer, and a forever student of life.
I'm also a recovering hair puller AND skin picker.
Both started around the age of 11. I healed Trichotillomania (overnight, cold turkey) a little over 3 years ago, and Dermatillomania this year at 36 after a quarter of a century and a long uphill battle.
Believe me when I tell you: I've been through the ringer. I GET THE STRUGGLE.
My skin picking is still work in progress - full disclosure - but I have largely moved from surviving (and suicidal) to thriving (and living a life of purpose). I'm here to help you do the same.
““Biology is the highest form of spirituality.” ”
I strongly believe that Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors are meant to be HEALED from the inside out, starting with our soul and our inner child, not merely cured, suppressed or contained.
It is not a sickness and you are NOT SICK. You simply have a BEHAVIOR. A coping mechanism. The key to healing BFRBs is therefore identifying WHAT YOU'RE COPING WITH and tackling that, while simultaneously reversing the habit.
Over the years I have tried almost every available form of BFRB therapy (for real) and my two main takeaways are:
Very few "specialists" know what to do with it, despite their best efforts. The lack of familiarity, expertise and research is striking.
The most frequent approach is to kill the messenger rather than to find out what is the message.
my approach
My approach is a blend of science and spirituality, latest research and intuition, conventional therapy and alternative modalities, the modern and the traditional, the western and the indigenous, the medical and the metaphysical, the psychological and the psychosomatic, 3D and 5D. In essence, I bring you everything that's helped me.
I can and i will. watch me.
The term holistic takes on a whole new level here at Heal BFRBs. Sure, any tiny change is better than none, but ultimately the goal is to achieve a beautiful balance between your mind, body and soul.
I'm beyond honored to shine some light on what's worked (that may or may not work for you, take what resonates and leave the rest) and to pay it forward as your trauma informed BFRB coach.
That said, while you should absolutely seek help and support on your recovery journey, at the end of the day YOU ARE YOUR OWN BEST HEALER and the most knowledgeable expert on YOU.
Nobody - not your therapist, not your best friend, not your family doctor, not your coach, not your shaman - will ever know more about what's happening deep down than you do.
The most empowered feeling in the world is to KNOW ONESELF and to be in touch with your heart.
So go, be your own healer. And I'm here if you need extra guidance.
become your own best healer
more about me:
Capricorn moon, Capricorn sun, Virgo rising
Generator in Human Design, 6:2 Hermit
HSP - a Highly Sensitive Person
A VERY old soul - 60% into my level 10 incarnation according to Ainslie Macleod
Sigma empath - a textbook example
Vata dosha in Ayurveda