The Best Supplements for Compulsive Behaviors and BFRBs
While BFRBs require a comprehensive approach that may include therapy and trauma healing, supplements can offer supportive benefits.
Navigating Therapy Options for BFRB: Effective Approaches for Skin Picking and Hair Pulling
These therapy types can be used alone or in combination to effectively manage and reduce BFRBs.
Understanding Trauma-Informed Coaching: How It Differs from Therapy
The terms "trauma-informed" and "coaching" have increasingly become buzzwords. But what do they really mean, and how does trauma-informed coaching differ from therapy?
My Skin Picking Battle - Interview With Linda Ward
Find a judgment free place that will support you through the hard times - Linda shares her dermatillomania story.
10 Ways Journaling Can Help with Your BFRBs
Journaling has been proven to help cope with anxiety, depression and more. Keeping a journal can be a game changer for your BFRBs too. Here's 10 ways how.